Franchise(d) Food Festival...
on Friday I went to Franchise Food Festival 2009 held in SMESCO Gallery, Jkt, founded by Jalansutra.
found a lot of food stands there and ordered Kue Ape *do you know that?*. Well, and I asked Megan and Honhon to went out there with me...thank you both *smooch!*
And...o gosh, I forget to tell you about this. In Kampoeng Jadoel, I found some uniq things like telescope made from 1918 *very old*, kind of counting machine, old posters and also old packaging design since 1951, national geographic old edition *1961*, and even a vintage camera, radio and some of classic toys, gosh...
here they are...
I took a bedrest on Sunday, probably am just too tired. cant compromize on my body.
so, am not too productive on this sunday...
went to Hospital at Sunday, phew!
get well soon y t'thesa...
biar bs share nice pict lg....heueheu..