...Conspiracy Theory

Lastnight I have been have a bedtalk
well, bedtalk is something we used to talked or discused when we're already in bed...

I talked with a friend, let say he is a Freud thinking
asked me about what is wrong with you?
do you have nightmare, currently?
what's the dream about?
how often?

I stated about conspiracy theory
actually conspiracy theory has been apllied to political stuff
this conspiracy related to The Alchemist quote, Paulo Coelho

"When You Want Something, The Universe Cospires in Helping You To Achieve It"

You could call me stupid or whatever, I've been believing to this statement
It doesnt mean that if you want something you just watch and suddenly you there-in the place you want to be without doing any effort
I highlighted how our mind triggered and motivates everysingle things we do to be at the place we wanted to be

We want something, we make a pattern and justified so many efforts..
plus keep believing and praying
I believe, your subconcius would bring you approach something you want to achieve...
well this's not the exact thing, you might believe it or not
it depends on where you figure it out from your point of view

I never read 'The Secret'- the book that told a lot about this kind of view
But I do believe in Vission Board, Mindshare or whatever it is
It's not about you having a pin up posters, hanging on the wall, you watch it everysingle time you get to bed, and dreaming aboutt it...
It's about reminding you to stay focus to connect the dots...to stay in your pattern

I though it's logic enough
how do you think?


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